Rich Signell's Notebook Blog

Blogging with IPython Notebooks

Extract Water Level Time Series from NECOFS forecast model

Demonstration using the NetCDF4-Python library to extract time-series of sea surface height from a triangular grid ocean model (FVCOM) via OPeNDAP, specifying the desired URL, time range, and lat/lon locations of interest.

NECOFS (Northeastern Coastal Ocean Forecast System) is run by groups at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and ...

CKAN test

We want to find all datasets that match a specific type of data (e.g. sea_water_temperature), in a specified geospatial extent and time window, and that have a specific type of data endpoint (e.g. OPeNDAP). Since uses CKAN, while waiting for a CSW interface, here ...

ROMS Subset Velocity

In [2]:
def bbox2ij(lon,lat,bbox=[-160., -155., 18., 23.]):
    """Return indices for i,j that will completely cover the specified bounding box.
    i0,i1,j0,j1 = bbox2ij(lon,lat,bbox)
    lon,lat = 2D arrays that are the target of the subset
    bbox = list containing the bounding box: [lon_min ...

CSW Access to NGDC OPeNDAP Endpoints

Test to see if we can SEARCH, ACCESS and USE data using IOOS supported service protocols.

  1. SEARCH a CSW Endpoint to find all datasets that: are containing within a specific bounding box have a specified variable of interest fall withing a specified date range contain a specific data access service ...

FVCOM Depth and Velocity

(Trying my first post)

Demonstration using the NetCDF4-Python library to access velocity data from a triangular grid ocean model (FVCOM) via OPeNDAP, specifying the desired URL, time, layer and lat/lon region of interest. The resulting plot of forecast velocity vectors over color-shaded bathymetry is useful for a variety of ...